Saint Conan’s Church, Lochawe Village, Argyll.
The area around Loch Awe offers the visitor many attractions. I focus this week on St Conan’s Kirk, a real gem, located in the village of Lochawe. The church is a truly unique, one off example, of an amateur architects vision of a church. It’s free to visit and never busy. Almost every period of architectural design is included in the building. I can’t recommend a visit highly enough.
The whole area around Loch Awe from the fishing, the hill-walking and the various visitor attractions creates a must see part of any trip around Scotland. I mention The Cruchan Visitor experience to the Hydro-Electric scheme as well as the Bonawe Iron Furnace at Taynuilt.
I also mention the week that was and discuss the plans for including guest contributions on the podcast in the weeks ahead.
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